The Brink Of Disaster

"The tiger in my tank/ is going to go extinct/ And I'm not feelin' so good myself/ I think I'm on the brink of disaster!"

At last! My own little corner of dysfunction and ranting available whenever and wherever you choose. And yes, it is all about me.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

What Advanced Degree Should I Get?

You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy)

You're a great thinker and a true philosopher.
You'd make a talented professor or writer.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Using the System Against Itself

The American Family Association is this charming little organization that is hell-bent on stopping the homosexual agenda. I subscribe to their action alerts so that I have some idea of what the Adversary is up to, vis-a-vis their attempts to drive me and my friends into second-class citizenship. Every so often, they send out these messages asking me to boycott Ford, or Disney, or some other corporate entity that recognizes the full humanity of queer folks. Their messages actually give me some idea of whom I can conscientiously patronize and whom I should avoid.

They're also really good about letting me know when my State and central government are doing something I need to be aware of, like the U.S. Senate's contemplation--again--of a so-called Marriage Protection Amendment. Now, you all know how I feel about the Constitution and what I believe it means, so shenanigans like this really get my hackles up. But I must offer my thanks to the AFA because I was able to use their template to write a custom letter to my State's Senators explaining how I feel about the proposed amendment. Sure, I had to modify the AFA's discriminatory screed, but they have made it SO easy to undercut them. So, thank you, American Family Association! Here's the letter I used you to deliver to my State's Senators.

As a citizen concerned about the protection of liberty and the future of America, I ask for your strong oposition to the Marriage Protection Amendment, which would enshrine discrimination in the Constitution. It is my firm belief that state recognition of same-sex marriages will have no deliterious effects on religious institutions and will serve the public interest in manifold ways.

Our children deserve loving parents, and public policy should promote this noble institution by affording same-sexed parents the same benefits and responsibilities as differently-sexed parents. States will only be able to ensure the blessings of liberty to their citizens and their posterity if the Constitution of the Union remains free from narrow establishmentarian constructions of religion that would impede the free exercise of religion by those whose consciences move them to practice diffferently. Again, I urge you please to oppose the Marriage Protection Amendment when considered by the U.S. Senate this June.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing back from you on this important matter.

The Master of Disaster

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Once More, With Feeling

Would it surprise anyone to learn that I've gone through yet another round of major depression, hence my lack of enthusiasm and my absence?

Suffice it to say, I have.

But, I'm back on the meds, enjoying my life again--even if law school is seriously flawed (I HATE multiple choice exams. HATE THEM!)--and, generally speaking, doing pretty damned well.

Happy spring!