The Brink Of Disaster

"The tiger in my tank/ is going to go extinct/ And I'm not feelin' so good myself/ I think I'm on the brink of disaster!"

At last! My own little corner of dysfunction and ranting available whenever and wherever you choose. And yes, it is all about me.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Official Google Blog: We love Lucy

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Perhaps unreasonably, I am not giving-up on this site.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's About Frickin' Time

"Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush yesterday in the House of Representatives."

I mean, really, lying about sex amounts to "high crimes and misdemeanors" but misleading the country into war is alright? Come on!

See more.

Monday, June 09, 2008

Controversial Court Ruling Upholds Homosexual's Right To Prance Around Demanding Attention & Being a Drama Queen

"The Connecticut Supreme Court on Monday upheld the right of individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, to engage in any number of 'grandiose behaviors,' including, but not limited to, sashaying across the room 'like a hussy, yelling "Oh my God!" at the top of their lungs while hopping up and down, and generally acting like Miss Thing.'"

Actually, I think it's a First Amendment, "expressive activity" issue. See the whole story here.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Okay: so, I've been watching the Heroes marathon on SciFi (it's a cold, rainy, crappy day in New Jersey--what would you do?), and I have some thoughts.

Yes, Milo Ventimiglia is a total cutey; Zachary Quinto is sexy in a really creepy sort of way; and Sendhil Ramamurthy is dreamy. And the production design and art really are great, and I love that somebody finally took a chance that the U.S. market is smart enough to handle a program in multiple languages, beyond the occasional explosion of Spanish from an angry Latino, that is.

But, the story's derivative and predictable.

As popular as it is (and I understand why--to the uninitiated it looks novel and creative, and I grant that the story is timely and pertinent) I'd give it a B- (and that's being extremely generous because I like the art).

Friday, May 18, 2007


I have never been a sports fan, but I am seriously considering rugby--European rugby: French rugby: the Stade Français CASG--as a sport that might deserve my interest.

This is why:

Thanks to my friends at the Stonewall for turning me on (as it were) to Dieux du Stade, "the Gods of the Stadium," the French rugby league's drop-dead-gorgeous collection of art nudes of the boys doing their thing.

Vive la Françe!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

One Down

Three to go.

I now have about 43 hours to learn all that is learnable about the law of evidence.


Update, Friday, 4 May: Make that two down, two to go. Take-home exams in the First Amendment and Law & Economics. It's all downhill from here.

Further Update, Thursday, 10 May: Three down, one to go. Law & Economics, here I come.

Final Update, Friday, 11 May: That's it--all finished! I am now two-thirds of the way done with the law school curriculum. Hoo-ah!