The Brink Of Disaster

"The tiger in my tank/ is going to go extinct/ And I'm not feelin' so good myself/ I think I'm on the brink of disaster!"

At last! My own little corner of dysfunction and ranting available whenever and wherever you choose. And yes, it is all about me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

So You're Back...

So I just found out--okay, it was like a week ago--that an ex is back in town and asking questions about me. He even went so far as to go to my portfolio advisor and ask her if I ever graduated. I think that's kinda creepy. Sure, I basically told him to go away when we stopped seeing each other, but that didn't stop him from calling me a year ago when he graduated to see what I was up to. He shoulda just called me.

And I've seen some interesting fare lately. Skip Van Helsing. Please. For the love of God--any one you like--don't see this movie. It's painful. And funny. But not in a good way.

But The Revolution Will Not Be Televised is fantastic. See it as soon as you're able. It makes me wonder why we weren't rioting in the streets three-and-a-half years ago when the Supreme Court used the constitutional process to deliver the Executive Office into the hands of the guy who lost the election. Oh. Maybe that's why we didn't riot: because we respect the constitutional process, the separation of powers and understand the necessity of "judicial activism" to keep the union running properly. Just a thought. But I think I might have to lead my compatriots to the barricades of freedom should we get screwed with our pants on again in November. In any case, The Revolution Will Not Be Televised is great, and everybody should see it ASAP.

And Kill Bill: Volume 2 is a brilliant meditation on parenthood--motherhood in particular. Really, it's an important piece in the puzzle explaining the importance of reproductive rights, specifically the right of a woman to choose how her body is used and the commitments she makes as a thoughtful, rational person.

And my friend David just sent me this. I think it's a thoughtful and thought provoking piece on liberal religiosity. I highly recommend taking a peak so that everybody can gain some perspective on the secular foundations of the union and the prospects for reclaiming a discussion of religion from the right.


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